Tuesday 16 December 2014

About Arya Tara

Arya Tara is the wisdom form of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the 10 directions.  In the ultimate sense she has since primordial time attained the state of original wakefulness that is the very essence of the female Buddha Prajnaparamita.  However, to portray her background in a way that ordinary people comprehend, here is her story:

Long time ago, in the past eon, in the world Myriad Lights, there was a Buddha known as Drum Thunder.  It was in the presence of this Buddha that she was the princess Wisdom Moon and first formed the resolve to attain supreme enlightenment, and here she took the oath to work for the welfare of all beings in the form of a woman until the whole samsara is emptied.

In accordance with her vow, she practiced day and night and became able to liberate every day one hundred billion sentient beings from their mundane frame of mind and made them attain the ‘acceptance of the non-arising of all things’.  Through this, she was given the name Arya Tara, the Sublime Savioress,
the mere recalling of whose name invokes the blessings to dispel the attachment to both samsara’s suffering and the shortcomings of the passive state of nirvana.

After that she took the vow in front of Buddha Amoghasiddhi to protect the beings of the 10 directions from fear and all kinds of harm.  At another occasion, she acted as an emanation of Avalokiteshvara’s wisdom in order to assist him in working for the liberation of all beings.  In this way, her life examples surpass the reach of ordinary thought.

Particularly in this world, during the golden age the compassionate Avalokiteshvara taught one hundred million vajrayana tantras on Mount Potala in India, and has continued through this age of strive (kali yuga) to teach medium and concise versions in accord with people’s capacities.  These practices pacify the eight and sixteen types of fear, and cause a wish-fulfilling attainment of all needs and aims.  Ultimately, one can realize the wisdom body of mahamudra.

There are innumerable wonderful stories of past practitioners to support this.

In short, since Arya Tara is the activity of all Buddhas embodied in a single female form, her blessings are swifter than that of any other deity.  Most of the learned and accomplished masters of India and Tibet kept her as their main practice and attained siddhis.  This is why we today have such a boundless supply of practiced and instructions of Araya Tara.

text courtesy Rangjung Yeshe Publications

Saturday 13 December 2014

The Lama & the Ajanta Connection

At the end of the first of his recent visits to Goa, in February 2013 Lama Dawa traveled to the caves of Ajanta and Ellora in the west of India, together with some of his dharma friends, in what felt like a pilgrimage to places to which he had been connected through dharma activities many centuries before. 

The seeds for the journey had been sowed several years earlier.  It came about like so many other developments that Lama, sometimes gently, sometimes forcefully sets in motion.  He often starts by first throwing the pebble of a seemingly off-the-wall remark into a conversation or interaction about a totally different subject.  And just like a real pebble hitting the even surface of a still pond, this pebble-like remark then generates ripples, affecting beings’ lives.  However unlike other hints that he had dropped to me before slowly increasing in intensity, this particular pebble of Lama’s, came totally out of the blue: In September 2009 a few days before my birthday, he phoned me, and after exchanging niceties the main point of the conversation consisted in his telling me, “That he, Kalsang, Rinchen and I would have to go together to visit the Ajanta caves soon, and that I should find out about the practicalities, like plane tickets, hotel reservations and so forth.  He and Kalsang would fly in from Nepal, whereas Rinchen and I were expected to come from Goa. He would get back with me to hear my report in a few days time, so better hurry.  It was our duty to go, simple as that.  And besides, I shouldn’t blabber to too many people about it, may be let Renita and George know but nobody else.”  Then, he hung up.

The next call came a few days later in the evening of the
actual birthday, which made me happy because I had never received a birthday call from my Lama before.  After congratulating he continued that, “No, this is not the time yet to go and see Ajanta together.  The place is too hot in September (which it is!), and second and unfortunately, his health also wouldn’t allow it.  Instead, all his Indian dharma friends should be informed that he would give the complete Three Roots teaching and empowerments in Kathmandu, this coming October 2009 and everyone who can come should attend.”  The Ajanta trip was shelved for the time being.  Other events and teachings needed to precede it, which was equally good news.

Fast forward to 2012.  Lama’s health wasn’t too good in that year.  Special ceremonies for his long life were commissioned and performed.  Later in the fall, I received first an e-mail and then a call from Khandro Kunzang asking if we, meaning Rinchen who is a physician specializing in detox and rejuvenation therapies, could help in any way.  Lama seemed to believe so and actually had consulted Saraswati’s mirror to that effect.   The decision was made swiftly.  Yes, Rinchen and I would pick Lama and Kalsang up in Kathmandu in late December and bring them to Goa.  Rinchen actually started treating Lama in Kathmandu the same day we arrived, which appeared to give him quite a bit of his strength back, then and there.  Flying to Goa would be easy.

Once in Goa, the total focus was on his health.  Of course, Lama being who and what he is, he also gave plenty of informal teachings after dinner when sitting on our terrace with us, many concerning the history of Indian Tantric and siddha heritage.  I wish I had recorded his voice.  Now, everything he said is gone, like words inked on paper and drawn through water.  What the Lama had shared were really priceless gems.  Much of what was being said sounded like coming straight out of his own memory bank, not at all like second hand information but much like the retelling of real life events – on Lama’s breath and through his words transported into the present. 

Of course, the subject of Ajanta came up in the context, and
after two weeks of mostly relaxing and getting better and stronger, Lama decided that after Tibetan New Year, we all should go to Ajanta together.  Ah, there it was, the thread taken up: Finally to Ajanta.  After he had announced this, Lama even insisted that we book the tickets through a travel site that same night, and to tell Renita and George that they should do the same.

It’s hard to fathom people’s expectations regarding the ‘magical’ and ‘mysterious’.  Mine don’t run terribly high.  The way I see it, the apparently ordinary is, in and of itself, pure magic, and the fact of anything appearing at all: ‘magical’.  As many mahasandhi (dzogchen) scriptures state (in a nutshell), “Appearance is ungraspable magic and not necessarily only what it appears to be.”  From this particular point of view the sole prerequisite to experience ‘magic’, is to be willing and receptive enough to ‘read’ any so-called ordinary ‘object’ or situation in other than ordinary ways.  The magic is in the view.

We boarded the plane in Goa and had a stopover in Bombay, which lasted way longer than anticipated because the flight from Bombay to Aurangabad (the city nearest to Ajanta) had been postponed 2 ½ hours.  The moment we got to Bombay, Lama’s mood switched from ‘placid’ to one of his ‘non-linear’, beyond peaceful and beyond caring ‘display’ modes. 

He decided on the spot that the only bar in the terminal was the best place for us to sit and wait.  His energy shifted, too, somehow became more ‘tiger-like’.  In response, people at the tables around us grew slightly restive.  Their discomfort was palpable.  It is funny to watch how most everyone is only at ease within a very narrow range of expression and gets taken aback when some presence radiates an energy field, which is a little more animated, or may be ‘ego-free or ‘discontinuous’.  Lama wasn’t really silent, either…  He talked and he did so in an unusually boisterous manner.  In his informal teachings in Goa he had stressed what a powerful place for Buddhist tantric practice Ajanta had been in the past, and when you drop the word ‘tantra’ loud enough in a crowd in India, people can get disquieted, even scared.  They immediately think ‘black magic’, and how this might affect them.

Then departure was announced.  Anyone knowing the
boarding customs in this country, if only a little, will also know that such provokes a dash towards the counter.   As a rule, everyone ignores the instructions of the ground personnel.  The whole thing turns into an ‘every-man-for-himself’ type of a situation, and although Lama was sitting in a wheel chair with pre-boarding privilege, he and I ended up in the bus together, separated from the other members of the group – swept along by the swift current of the main boarding procedure.  De to the unforeseen circumstance of the delay any pre-boarding arrangements had simply been cancelled.  The scene was wild and chaotic even more so because everyone’s patience had worn thin due to the waiting. 

And then Lama responded to the surrounding chaos by having a seizure.  He hadn’t had one during the entire time in Goa.  However, in this instant on the bus on the tarmac, in the most convenient of moments, it had to happen…  The funny thing was, there was nothing scary about it.  Going faster than usual, the crowded bus was swaying left and right, and had the passengers sway with its motions.  Nobody managed to keep himself completely straight or able to avoid bumping into each other here and there… and in the middle of all of this: Lama having a seizure.  Perfect!  Signaling with his eyes he reminded me to do the needful.  Thus, I pressed the points on his head that he had indicated for me to press in the past.
Whatever the situation may have looked like from the outside, Lama was absolutely calm, and even I managed to not turn frantic.  Lama actually radiated the feeling of being comfortable with his and everyone’s discomfort.  His inner unperturbed comfort zone created something like an intangible yet impenetrable safety bubble around us.  People gawked a little and, if not put off, were probably more scared than Lama or I, while also being pacified by the vibrations of complete ease that seemed to emanate from him.  Everything felt absolutely fine and just like what it had to be, yet felt also surreal.  When the bus came to a halt and the crowd had rushed out as head-over-heels as it had rushed in, Lama right after this seizure nevertheless was able to walk up the gangway with only minor support – very, very strange, all of it.

The taxi ride from the hotel in Aurangabad to Ajanta was long and when we arrived there the next day we found out that the parking area had been far removed from the actual entrance.  A bus would bring us to the gate, but the bus stop was also more than half a mile away on foot.  Although Lama tried to walk, it showed that this was causing him pain.  A plastic chair from a fast food stall saved the day.  We carried him to the bus stop sitting on the chair, and on this particular day Lama felt as light as a feather – well, may be not quite, but not too heavy either.

The moment we got near the valley with the ancient caves, Lama’s face lit up.  He looked very happy and satisfied.  His posture became more regal, as if permeated by the energy of the place – which his body may have recognized as if it was home.  

To reach all the caves involves a 3-4 mile walk; too much of an ordeal for anyone, if he we had ever thought of carrying Lama that far.  Fortunately there was a palanquin service.  One detail struck me as interesting: at the hotel, in the taxi or bus, everyone so far had seen Lama as an ordinary person.  For them he had been just one among the many Tibetans that come and see the Buddhist caves.  However, the palanquin bearers recognized him as someone special right away treating him with obvious respect.   They were swift on their feet, too, and hurried the palanquin along the incline that leads from the gate into the actually valley were the caves are located.  Shortly before the first cave Lama had them stop and in the tone of command asked me to serve as one of the bearers, which made me happy.  It felt like a good omen to be able to carry your root guru on your shoulder.   Then it was George’s turn to do the same.

When reaching the caves, which are more than simply caves but actually rock temples, I sometimes stayed near Lama and sometimes wondered off on my own as I sensed that others would also want to be near him.  But very early when we came out from one of the first temples, Lama grabbed me by the arm, dragging me into the full sun.  He proclaimed victoriously “Now is moment, it has to be done!”, and with his left he held my right hand in a tight grip while his other arm was raised, his hand pointing into the blue sky in the averting mudra.  The whole sequence lasted but a short moment, but luckily someone had the presence of mind of clicking pictures. 

Of course Lama explained many details about the deities and mandalas carved in stone, about the artwork, about the meaning.  Some of his explanations diverged considerably from what the guidebook said.  But for me there can be no contradiction.  Without a doubt, Lama spoke from direct experience – not like an art historian.  And one could easily see, how moved Lama was, how he enjoyed the good fortune to visit these places a second time in his life (the first time had been when he was young and a student at Sanskrit university in the 1970s).  Lama is not the sentimental type, but when he is really moved, he also shows it.  When at ease with his company, he is not one to hold back his feelings.  For me seeing Lama expressing so much wordless gratitude was as wonderful as to take in the full impact of these ancient manifestations of faith produced by yogis and monks who through their art had transformed an entire valley into a pure land dedicated to the path of enlightenment.

In one of the more famous temples, which has a huge stupa
as the center piece in the main hall, Lama very slowly, in a strong heartfelt voice recited the refuge formula in Sanskrit.  The whole place resounded with his faith in the enlightened mind, saturated with the rare presence of an even rarer kind of devotion that is itself the sign of realization; simultaneously yearning, longing and triumphant.  After he stopped some of the Indian tourists who happened to be there, came to him and asked for his blessings.  Even in modern day Indians, traces of the old culture and the old respect for the guru, for the Buddha are still alive – like embers buried in ashes that can be revived.

After two hours spent in different caves Lama felt it was time to return to the gate and have lunch in the little local restaurant.  He went there on his palanquin with Kalsang, Rinchen & George accompanying him, while Renita and I explored the temples on our own for a little while longer. Anyhow, what Lama had come to accomplish had already been accomplished.  Lama has an uncanny sense of timing.  Everyone was happy.  For all of us, him included, ancient cords had been struck, continuing to reverberate in this body.

The visit to Ellora the next day went pretty much the same way, although fortunately the drive was much shorter.  Unfortunately, however, Lama for some inexplicable reason was at least three times as heavy as the day before.  Like in Ajanta, it was a long way to walk from the parking lot to the caves, and we thought that we had a handle on the situation: we could always carry Lama on a plastic chair borrowed from a restaurant, right?  We were mistaken.  While it had been easy to carry him to the parking lot in Ajanta, it turned out impossible to carry him in Ellora.  It felt as if he had gained at least100 kgs in weight, overnight.  We tried and we gave up.  We could lift him, but carrying him more than ten steps was impossible.  Lama did not comment on the change of his weight.  There also were no palanquin bearers as in Ajanta.  The rescue came when George found that administration had some wheelchairs in their office for the handicapped.  So it came about that Lama would explore Ellora in a wheelchair.

To all in the group it seemed that the spiritual energy at the Ellora sites was ‘thinner’ or  ‘weaker’ than in Ajanta. This did not come as a surprise because Ellora is closer to a major city and highway, and much more easily accessible to crowds.  It also has some stunning Hindu temples attracting Hindu worshippers, whereas, Ajanta is strictly Buddhist, and as such had obviously been designed more like a place for inner practices rather than outer worship.  In Ellora, Lama only went to the Jain and Buddhist caves.  He showed less enthusiasm and explained far less of the details in the different temples.  Yet again, he was very content and grateful to have come.  We had a long lunch in a dabba type restaurant under one of the beautiful ancient trees of the park around the Ellora caves and then went back to Aurangabad.

Friday 5 December 2014

The Lama & My Mother

This is a personal Lama Dawa story but I believe it is fit for sharing, as it beautifully illustrates the deeper levels at which a true master, in full command of Buddhist tantric skillful means, can work for the benefit of beings.   Focus of the story is the relationship between my teacher and my mother.  Yes, indeed, there was a connection between these two if there ever was one – although in this life they never met in person.  They only met through Saraswati and Tara, through space and time, and through my bond to her as her son and to the Lama as his dharma friend.  For my mother, it eventually turned out to become a liberating experience, and in this case I mean liberating in the traditional and literal Buddhist sense of the word.

It started in late November or early December 1999, as I vividly recall.  I had just arrived in Kathmandu from India to stay in Nepal until early May 2000.  I was really looking forward to it, too.  I would be with my Lama for three months, and afterwards I would be attending the full cycle of Ka-Ma empowerments and textual transmissions to be given at a monastery in Pullahari. 

At that time my mother was living in Germany.  Naturally I called her a few days after arriving in Boudha and settling down in a guesthouse.  Unfortunately, the news I was to hear was anything but good.  It also came out of the blue as I hadn’t talked to my mother in a few weeks while traveling in North India before coming to Nepal, and therefore was not up-to-date.  I remember it was on a Friday afternoon when I made the call.  She was absolutely calm when she told me what was going on in her life, “Son I went to a routine check up and they found cancer in the other breast.  They already did a biopsy.  I am scheduled for surgery for this coming Tuesday.  Don’t worry.  I’ll be fine.”  My mother had had a 15-year history of cancer, and had already undergone two operations.  But at that moment in 1999, she didn’t even ask me to come to be at her side, as I had been on the two previous occasions in 1985 and 1995.  But, of course, I would have to go, I knew.  My mom was 85 years old, and I was her only living close relative.  So, of course, I would fly off to Europe ASAP, which for obvious reasons I also did not like to do very much either.  After all, I had just arrived to be with my lama and then to receive some rare transmissions.

From the public telephone I went straight to Lama’s house and broke the news to him.  His only comment was, “We have to check in the mirror”, referring to the Saraswati mirror divination of which he is a great master.  He proceeded to do so right away, asking if there was anything that could be done for my mom.  One of the answers was that a Medicine Buddha offering puja would have to be conducted 85 times on her behalf, plus a sutra would have to be read, also according to her age, and he gave me the telephone number of the yogi down the road who would be able to do all of this on short notice.  And then there was something else that was required but he did not explicitly mention what it might be.  He only said that he would have to take care of this matter himself, no one else could.  The bottom line was, that according to Saraswati’s specific instructions whatever rituals were to be conducted would have to be completed by Sunday evening.  Which is what happened.

I called my mother again on the following Monday afternoon at the hospital in Kempten
where I believed she would have settled already the day prior to the scheduled surgery.  I got the hospital switchboard and asked for Mrs. Dehne’s room.  The receptionist at the other end paused, obviously in order to find the room number, but then said, “No, Mrs. Dehne is not here; she came early in the morning for a last round of tests and was sent home two hours ago.”  I was baffled, and immediately called my mom.  Yes, dear”, she said, “they sent me home.  They sounded very surprised because they couldn’t find the cancer any more.  While doing their last pre-operation tests they discovered that it had disappeared.  That’s why they sent me home.  I’m fine.  You don’t need to come.”

Recounting the story to Lama he didn’t comment. 

The next time I visited Lama in Kathmandu was late January to March 2001.  Many things happened during that time, including another mirror divination for my mom.  I had visited her over Christmas 2000 and stayed until her birthday on January 18, but she looked and acted depressed, not her usual optimistic self.  The divination was about that.  Saraswati gave the following answer, “This woman is lonely.  She needs a companion.  And Tara will be an excellent companion for her.”  - It is true, my mother had turned a little lonely because two of her old friends had died the year before, and there were not many left, which happens to many people that age.  Their friends die.  So according to Saraswati, Tara could take their place.  Lama explained the puja would have to start in the night, to be completed at sunrise, at which time Tara would have to be requested to go and join my mom.  Lama, again, was quite adamant that he would have to take care of the matter himself.  No other Lama could be commissioned for the job.  After everything was done, the only comment he made the following day was that at some point I would have to take my mom to India to live with me.  He didn’t elaborate further, and didn’t breech the subject again in the course of the 2001 visit.  To myself I thought, “My mom will never move to India, she likes her Germany too much to leave it in old age.”

In some context, the subject came up again in the course of the next visit to Kathmandu, February to April 2002.  Lama drove home the point to me that, “Your mother has to be in your house in India when she dies. It is your duty to make sure of that.”  Then he said that he would send me a picture of Padmasambhava from his place in the US later in the year and that I would have to frame it and put it up in her room. I replied, “My mom will throw the picture in the dustbin.”  His answer to that, “No, she won’t because she won’t even notice it.  It will be there as a blessing to guide her in the right direction.”  The picture from the US finally arrived some time in early 2003 when I was visiting Germany, and as told, I framed it and put it up on a cabinet next to her TV.  It stayed there and, as Lama had foreseen, my mother never even took note of it.

Lama Dawa didn’t come to Kathmandu in 2003 because he was in the process of receiving his US green card.  The next time I saw him was in early 2004.  By that time I had invited my mom to India to live with me beginning some time in the fall of 2004, and had been completely taken by surprise when she had agreed, “Yes, I’d be happy to.”  So that was decided.  Lama didn’t talk much about my mother during the short visit in 2004.  The only additional comment that he made was that she would die very soon after her moving to India.

Come May 2004, I had to fly to Germany on short notice because my mother had turned senile and couldn’t take care of herself any longer, at least not for the time being.  She had turned 90 in January that same year.   When I arrived, she was in a bad shape, old age Alzheimers, was the diagnosis.  Thankfully, the episodes of disorientation didn’t last very long, an hour here and there.  I found a very good chranio-sacral therapist, and these treatments seemed to do wonders.   By late August, my mom was back on her feet, fee of any episodes of delusion or disorientation.  I had to return to India for some business in September and promised to pick her up shortly after that and that we would fly to India together by November 2004.

Well, it was December 4, 2004 when she finally made it to Goa  Lama had sent two amulets for her protection during the flight and had told me to not worry, “As long as she wears those amulets, there will be no outbreaks of delusion in transition from Germany to India.”  And so it happened.

I had thought that my mom would be emotional when she closed the door to her apartment one last time behind her, but I was wrong.  She instead expressed that she was now very eager to get to India.  Life is really full of surprises.  All the friends of hers that she had left in Kempten, as well as her Red Cross caretakers had spoken out against her moving.  She had remained firm, “When the time comes and I have to go, I want to die in my son’s house.  I don’t want to die in a nursing home.” This really was her bottom line, and she would not allow anyone to sway her.

This is then exactly how it happened.  She had been very happy, sitting in her wheelchair on the veranda of my (rented!) house in Siridao in Goa, directly on the ocean overlooking a small, protected bay.  She was not totally lucid all the time, only some of the times.  Dr. Shikha was already there, as she had started working with us on a Spa project, and helped my mom as much as she could.   My mom was really taken by this young Indian doctor.  Which surprised me even more is, how mellow my mom was towards everyone India around her – she who had been somewhat of a white supremacist almost all of her life! Amazing.  But now she only pointed out and was grateful about “How kindly and considerately everyone treated her”.

Then, in the night of December 27th to 28th, 2004 my mother died in her son’s house in her sleep, as she had wished, three weeks before her 91st birthday.  I found her in the morning.

I was alone.  December 28th was also the day of the formal opening of our Spa in Anjuna 25 kilomters north and everyone else had stayed the night there. 

For two hours I just sat in the spot on the veranda where she used to sit – informally meditating, looking into small sloshing ripples of water in the bay that had given so much peace to my mom in the last weeks of her life. 

Finally, I got up and called Lama, who was in Kathmandu already.  He himself picked up the phone, and before I could utter a word, he said, “Mommy gone, huh…”.  I answered, “Yes, she must have died in her sleep at between 4 and 7.”  I assumed so because many natural passings happen in these hours. Lama replied, “No, she went at 1:17 AM.”  He was very precise. “How do you know?”  Because she screamed out in pain for me and I went to help her.”  This was sort of dumbfounding.  He continued, “She went to a pure land, totally out of samsara, very lucky this one, your mom.  And you did also good.  You did your duty.  Now, she is free.”  After that I told him how her last days had unfolded, and then in the end he said, “You have to collect some of her remains after the cremation.  We have to scatter some of her bones on a hill overlooking the valley, here in Kathmandu where there are many prayer flags.”  Which is what came to pass as well.

As an epilog, it took until 5PM the same day on December 28th to arrange for all the paper work before the corpse would be accepted to the morgue.  During all this time, no rigor mortis occurred and my mom’s face had an aura of complete beatitude, with a very lovely smile that stayed until she was cremated on January 30th. Nobody who saw could quite believe it.

The Lama from afar had indeed worked miracles over the past five years.  Even though my mom didn’t have a ‘single Buddhist bone’ in her and all her life had been totally against ‘my running with these Asian types’, she had the good fortune and the good karma of being liberated through the skillful means of a genuine master.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Moon Cools

In this degeneration age
The loudmouth people
Are looking in strapping good health.
By pushing and shoving
They appear to get whatever they want.
Which is how they bring about
Everyone’s destruction
When they eventually self-destruct.

May their actions not push
And shove them
Into the hells of their own making”,
Tara of the nine peaceful qualities prays.
But as unspeakable bliss then
Ripples through the crystal white
Moon of her body,
Tears of sorrow also run down her cheeks.

Even though blissful
Knowledge most often brings the pain of
Knowing that those who lack in it
            Are indeed doomed to suffer

Imaginary, yes:
Yet no less cruelly

But then,
Everything is.

Moon rays

So cooling.

C Choyin Dorje 2014

Wednesday 12 November 2014

The Vajra Armor Mantra

Even today, many of vajrayana teachings of Indo-Tibetan origin are shrouded in an aura of mystery, especially if they come with extravagant names attached, such as the ‘vajra armor mantra’ system.  Magical mysteries and their highly esteemed tours in exploration of the ‘unknown’ and/or ‘unknowable’, however, seldom produce anything tangible beyond flights of fancy – which is the exact opposite of what any good teacher aims to induce or share. 

The gurus of old were not interested in spiritual training removed from reality, and neither are today’s teachers like Acharya Dawa Chhodak Rinpoche, affectionally called Lama Dawa by most of his dharma friends, who since 2003 has opened the outer, inner, secret and most secret aspects of this powerful practice to some, as well as publically taught the different outer levels of the system in 5-day seminars, in the US, Mexico and now also India.  Which is why we are addressing the subject in this blog posting.  Lama Dawa is going to visit Goa this coming January 2015 and will also teach two level I vajra armor retreats while being here.  

In his Terma text on the vajra armor mantra, Dudjom Lingpa states that, ‘There are many stories about the transmission of this mantra and many descriptions of its benefits.  I do not wish to repeat them here [at great length and instead simply say]… Considering this mantra profound, Guru Padmasambhava chose it from 100,000 healing mantras concealing it as a treasure in the rock ‘Stairway to Heaven’ for the benefit of sentient beings.”

Therefore, the motivation for entering the vajra armor training and practicing according to its methodology is the same as for engaging in any other Tibetan Buddhist practices of the diamond path: to be of benefit to all beings including oneself.  Besides, the size of the benefit is anything but negligible: it is as vast as the scope of the tantric approach itself.  The quote below from Padmasambhava is hinting at this.  Even should your interest in the practice at the outset solely be guided by ideas of ‘self-improvement’ or ‘self-healing’, you will still indirectly benefit others with it, through an automatic spillover effect once you really start putting into practice what you have learned.  In a way, ‘self-benefit’ and ‘benefitting others’ are artificial distinctions.  The mind creates them and then clings to them.

In more specific terms, the vajra armor mantra (dorje gotrab in Tibetan) is considered a potent tool for promoting healing in the most far-reaching sense of the word, which implies ‘making whole’ or ‘enlightening’ what has been fragmented and deluded.  Since Padmasambhava first brought the 30-syllable mantra to Tibet, tantric adepts and physicians from the Land of Snows have applied it as an effective method for treating diseases, purifying negative energies and protection from misfortune. 

Padmasambhava outlines the potential and benefit of the mantra and mentions at what point in history its practice will become almost a necessecity, namely, …”When beings engage in the ten non-virtues, causing warfare and committing vast evil, their rampant destructiveness will contaminate the mother elements and give spirit entities the opportunity to become even more powerful.  As a result, the seasons will lose their balance, the crops will fail, weather patterns will bring disaster, diseases will multiply and even the best remedies will have no longer any effect.”

“Food and herbal medicine will diminish in potency, requiring stronger dosages… at that time this mantra, which shall be known as the Vajra Armor, or ‘Ngak-Bum Dorje Go-Drab’ – the ‘One Mantra That Is the Source of the 100,000 Methods’ – will be needed to save beings from this immense suffering.  If you trust in the power of this mantra unreservedly and totally, and furthermore, if you receive the transmission from a true lineage holder and practice it according to the promises given at the time of transmission, then this mantra will cure disease, protect from and prevent illness and calamity.  It will also restore balance to the environment, and most importantly, annihilate the underlying cause of all suffering – hatred, grasping and ignorance.”

For further reading go to: http://www.lamadawa.com/vajra-armor.html

Sunday 9 November 2014

This Song of Freedom

Freedom is sharp
The curved blade that cuts
Head off my neck
And lets more heart blood spout
In the manner of a fountain

Freedom is tender
            With my arms around you
As if they were feathers
            For the love of the world
I cannot see a separate thing

Freedom is boring
            Going to the toilet
To shit and piss
            Every morning looking in the mirror
Searching for pimples on the nose

Freedom is fire
            I hammer the blazing steel of the thoughts
That shackle me, mine and everything
            Only to have the acid of fear corrode
All that I ever grabbed and held
Freedom is delicate
The dewdrop that falls
From the leaf above
            Makes the web tremble
And the spider rope down to the next
Freedom is despair
            No food before us
With all the good people in chains
            While our leaders spit roast our hearts
At their tables of plenty

Freedom is desire
Never getting
Enough of it
When everything
Is always there

Freedom is sentimental
            These tears stain your pillow with
My being so very special
            As my is head remains stuck in the mud
I cannot walk through walls into cloud land as I would

Freedom is straight and narrow
Fault lines –
            To bring about many a cleansing disaster

Freedom is simply free
            No quality but its own
And there is stillness,
            Leaves unfolding in spring
Tumble to rot in November

Even stupor is freedom
So is clinging and so is hate
Unbeknownst to them

Knowing thus definitely freedom is
Naturally self-affirming
Projecting more gossamer
Subtly trembling luminous truths

I can drink my tea
I can sip my wine
Every once in a while
I can look up in the sky

The thought doesn’t even arise
That anyone will ever not partake
In this heart of freedom
Forever beating

The only question is:
Does appreciation
Require a separate 'ONE' to be there
To appreciate

Thanking Tarthang Tulku
For conveying the freedom given together with Time Space and Knowledge

copyright  Choyin Dorje 2014