Tuesday 25 November 2014

Moon Cools

In this degeneration age
The loudmouth people
Are looking in strapping good health.
By pushing and shoving
They appear to get whatever they want.
Which is how they bring about
Everyone’s destruction
When they eventually self-destruct.

May their actions not push
And shove them
Into the hells of their own making”,
Tara of the nine peaceful qualities prays.
But as unspeakable bliss then
Ripples through the crystal white
Moon of her body,
Tears of sorrow also run down her cheeks.

Even though blissful
Knowledge most often brings the pain of
Knowing that those who lack in it
            Are indeed doomed to suffer

Imaginary, yes:
Yet no less cruelly

But then,
Everything is.

Moon rays

So cooling.

C Choyin Dorje 2014

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