Friday 5 September 2014

The Realization of All-Encompassing Bliss

The Realization of All-Encompassing Bliss, the meditation song about the three kayas, was sung by King Devaraja in these words in the city of Gunashri at the time of dusk.

I bring within the perfect natural state
The urge to focus on apparent and existing things.

Worlds and beings, Samantabhadra from the first,
Nothing else than this, so undistracted I repose.

The training, I have realized, is simply this:

This body, made of matter, just a label for illusion,
My mind has reached the greatest wakefulness.


Moreover, the Instruction of Vimalamitra states:

The poisons five are present as five wisdoms,
Seeing this is knowledge most sublime.

from "Wellsprings of the Great Perfection", compiled and translated by Erik Pema Kunsang (one of my favorite books, giving voice to the early masters of mahasandhi, or dzogchen.

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